Saturday, August 6, 2011

Celeb Pays It Forward, Correctly

This is beautiful. I wish more people to whom much was given would pay it back to our youth. The only jobs that will be created will be jobs that innovation­s in technology create. This country has to get back to making money using its brains. Much of the money that we, as a country, earn comes from patents we hold because of our Space Program.

It is truly amazing to me that politician­s do not spend ANYtime fighting over investing in the future via the youth of this nation. This is the best article of the week.
Close your eyes and think about today. Think about the United States of America. Think about the state of education. Think about the state of job creation. Think about the state of mind we are in. Think about what our country might look like in 20 years. Now think about and wonder why and who and when and what it's going to take for Detroit not to turn into a slum. What is it going to take for my niece...

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