Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ann Coulter: 'Our Blacks are Better than Theirs...'

WoooW... Not just a story title, she REALLY said that. As if there is a competition among "white folks" as to who has the best "blacks". Her logic is so circular though, and contains so much half-truth, that you almost fall into it.... and then she says it... "that's why our Blacks are so much better than theirs..." Reminiscent of 19th century slavery games. Whose colored can chuck wood the farthest. 

Ann Coulter continued the conservative criticism of Politico for its article on Herman Cain during an appearance on Monday's "Hannity." Politico drew swift right-wing fire for its Sunday article on Cain, which alleged that two female employees had accused him of sexual harassment in the 1990s.

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