Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pakistan: U.S. Diplomats Need Government Permission To Travel​2011/07/30/pakistan-us-diploma​ts-nee_n_913964.html

This is just another step towards US citizens becoming targets and persona non grata in yet another foreign country. Not as if we were being welcomed in the region with open arms as it was. I don't, in any way condone the actions of the Pakistani government­, but the fact is that on paper they told US officials Bin Laden wasn't in...
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan has placed new travel restrictions on American diplomats living in the country, a U.S. official said Saturday,...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

John Boehner Debt Ceiling Bill Faces House Vote

I'm sorry, I stopped reading after he said that "we should all be fired if we go beyond August 2nd"... music to my ears. That is the smartest thing anyone has said in 3 months. Most of the newbie republican­s are a famous democratic opponent away from being axed anyway. Thank you John Boehner, your a super-geni­us.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republicans are pressing ahead with a vote on a newly modified plan to stave off an unprecedented government default next week even though the legislation faces a White House veto threat and unanimous opposition among Senate Democrats. (SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATES) As the House prepared to vote Thursday, investor worries that a dysfunctional Congress might remain gridlocked sent stocks plunging...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bachmann's Iowa Roots?

Say what you want about the people of Iowa, but it is a hard state. It's full of down home, salt of the earth folks. I bet no one from MN even knew Bachmann was even from Iowa until someone told her she could be president.­.. I am sure that she will have a little anecdote for every state with a major primary. She has truly set women politician­s, republican­s and the tea-party in general back about 15-20 years.
WASHINGTON -- When Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced her candidacy for president in her birthplace of Waterloo, Iowa, she played up her connection to the small city, using the words Iowa, Iowans or Waterloo more than two dozen times. She had also stressed her Iowa roots months before, during a speech in Des Moines, Iowa. But while Bachmann's quest to be seen as a native of the Hawkeye State has been a topic ...

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Case For Taxing Soda And Subsidizing Produce​2011/07/25/bittman-soda-tax-op​ed_n_908451.html

Food science and the FDA are unfortunat­ely for sale to the highest bidder. You are correct though, in that the there are far too many gray areas to get the "people" to agree to any enforcemen­t.
What will it take to get Americans to change our eating habits? The need is indisputable, since heart disease, diabetes and cancer are all in large part caused by the Standard American Diet.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bob Dylan's Grandson, Pablo, Is A 15-Year-Old Rapper

Sorry Bob... your grandson ain't even as Hip-Hop as you are... Sounds like the same old watered down audio-tune rap that everyone is putting out... Nothing you would expect from a Dylan. I guess Jay-Z remains the "Bob Dylan of rap"...
At only 15 years old, young Pablo Dylan is trying his hand at the music business. In an interview with, the grandson of Bob Dylan talked having a grandfather who he considers "the Jay-Z of his time," and his new mixtape, 10 Minutes. In this track, "Top of the World," Pablo references Bob, well aware of the double-edged sword being the grandson of a legend is. However, he seems confident in his abilitie...

Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

ummm... who do you think that he is dealing with now? White liberals, 6 different types of white conservati­ves, and a new breed of "black righties".­.. And they are all playing with your parents' current and your children's futures... Washington D.C. is being treated like a kindergart­en game... I am a critic of the man, but I am beginning to feel sorry for him because all that he do is "deal in good faith" with peo...

Precariously short of time, congressional leaders struggled in urgent, weekend-long talks to avert an unprecedented government default, desperate to show enough progress to head off a plunge in stock prices when Asian markets open ahead of the U.S. workweek. President Barack Obama met Saturday with Republican and Democratic leaders — but only briefly— the day after House Speaker John Boehner abruptly broke off his o...

American Man

I sent my 12 year old and her 10 year old friend to see this movie... $30 dollars and 2 sets of 3D glasses later they can't even describe it to me. In fact, they called it "American Man"... Obviously, its is not geared towards girls or kids at all. It was not good enough to get them to stop texting and theater hopping. These movies are more for kids my age (30+), who are nostalgic for our childhood comic books come t...
Read More

Captain America' Wins Box Office With $65.8 Million, Beats 'Harry Potter

I sent my 12 year old and her 10 year old friend to see this movie... $30 dollars and 2 sets of 3D glasses later they can't even describe it to me. In fact, they called it "American Man"... Obviously, its is not geared towards girls or kids at all. It was not good enough to get them to stop texting and theater hopping. These movies are more for kids my age (30+), who are nostalgic for our childhood comic books come to life...

Atlanta Public Schools See About 30 More Resignations And Retirements

If the school districts continue to focus on "testing" rather than making sure that our children are actually being educated we will continue to have teachers who cheat that system. Where are the life lessons learned via studying history or art or mathematic­al equations? The real education of our youth will not be determined in their ability to take a test as an adult, it will be found in and demonstrat­ed through their ability to access experience­s from the past to navigate the future.

M.I.A. Releases '27,' In Honor Of Amy Winehouse, Those Who Died At 27

Dear Media -

 Before we continue to compare Ms. Winehouse with the likes of Hendrix, Cobain, Joplin, Basquiat, etc etc... Please list or note the comparable body of work. You cannot, because it does not exist. "Fade to Black" is no "Nevermind". STOP comparing her to legends. It is sad that the best thing writers have to say about this woman is that she died at age 27, and is now a part of some illustriou­s club. She was good, soulful artist who had the potential to be great, had she been able to overcome her demons. That's it. Period.

Thank you, 

I Need A Doctor

Where's The Detox...?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik Identified As Suspect In Norway Shooting

So now people who HATE Islam are blowing up stuff and shooting people. Thank God and the little baby Jesus for Norweigian holidays, or it could have been much worse. Does he remind anyone of a Republican­... I don't know which one, pick a name out of a hat.

Michelle Obama Films 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition', Repeats Target Dress On Thursday (PHOTOS),sb=1946616,b=facebook

That is an irresponsi­ble statement. How does this story reflect her arrogance? Do you think that the First family planted a story about Mrs. Obama wearing a target outfit (again), to distract the feeble minded from the fact the unemployme­nt rate is so high that the only jobs available are in the national guard... and even they have been outsourced overseas..­.

Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES),sb=1946616,b=facebook

Seriously.­..? Are we still talking about RAISING the debt limit? This is ridiculous­. The is political talk about a possible bill that will be 1000s of pages long, that NO American will ever fully read, that will earmark billions of dollars for programs that 75% of this country will NEVER use. We are trying to raise the debt limit a couple of trillion? Trillion? Why? So that in 10 years they can raise it to a zillion? Come on, son... At what point do we LET IT FAIL? Dance puppets... dance and continue to vote for these idiots.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Marijuana Plants Destroyed: $30 Million In Pot Plants Seized In Santa Clara (VIDEO)

Once again the government has destroyed something that they could have made money off of... In fact, they spent money to do it. What did those plants do to YOU California­?

Major American Brands Silent on Alleged Rights Abuses At Overseas Factories

This is exactly what happens when lawmakers continue to allow imported products. It's common sense. If we import items into this country or export jobs out of it, the reason is that it is cheaper. WHY is it cheaper? The conditions are less, the pay is less, and the benefits are nil. How else does capitalism survive than through the exploitati­on and demoraliza­tion of labor and costs. Get a clue Congress..­.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

101 Reasons Not to Get Married... Men (1-5)

101 Reasons Not to Get Married... Men (1-5)

1. Divorce

2. She said yes...

3. "There will be Blood..."

4. you're not worthy... and she will spend the better part of the next decade telling you so...

5. because you like each other and want to remain friends... wives are not friends, they are mothers     that society and the Bible say it is okay to sleep with... its not, but don't worry, after year one or       baby #2 you won't have to worry about that...